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Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2021

A country I would like to visit

  Hi everyone in this new blog! Today, im going to talk about a place that I really want to know, for his beauty and the lot of things that I heard. Of England I don’t know so much really, only that I heard or that I watched in tv. I imagine me visit the greatest gardens in the middle of London and his museums, living in a small building as I work in something relation with my career like regulation or maybe clinical. I suppose    I imagine me working, because life is not free, and I don’t know what I want to do after I finish the grade, I would like to travel around a lot of countries until I find the one I love and stay there. I don’t feel nothing than ties me down too much, and there`s a big world to know to just stay in the first place. we can start again so many times, until we feel that impulse that says "here" and we stay.I am passionate about the idea of living the cities, of knowing in deep, not only the touristic places, but also the life that lives ...